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# About Me

I am a computer science student enrolled at the University of Passau, specializing in software development. My programming journey began a few years ago when I started working with an Arduino, exploring the realm of embedded systems. Over time, my focus shifted primarily towards Python, although I occasionally work with C++ as well. Additionally, I have experience working with Java.

# What I’m currently working on

I am currently employed at the Chair of Computer Engineering, where my focus revolves around the development of a generic control library for test instruments and an accompanying test framework for hardware testing. Within this role, I am actively involved in the NANOSEC and PUFmem projects, where I carry out testing of various Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs).

Additionally, I have just commenced work on an exciting project with the objective of hacking a Eurobalise, a critical communication link connecting ground stations with trains. This endeavor serves as a notable component of my involvement in the Digital Rail Summer School 2023 hosted by the Hasso Plattner Institut.

# What I enjoy doing

During my free time, I find joy in various activities. One of my favorite things is exploring the outdoors through mountain biking, often embarking on multi-day adventures when bikepacking. Additionally, I indulge in bouldering and enjoy the company of friends who share these passions.

Another fascination of mine lies in the world of cars and motorsports. I hold a special love for classic rallye cars, with a particular fondness for the iconic Audi Quattro.

I am also an active firefighter, trained in wearing respiratory protection equipment.